Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only

4.5 csillagos szálláshely
Csak felnőtteket fogadó vízparti hotel a(z) Seven Mile Beach közelében, ahol wellnessfürdő áll rendelkezésre

Válassz dátumokat az árak megtekintéséhez

A(z) Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only képgalériája

3 szabadtéri medence
3 szabadtéri medence
9 bár/társalgó
Kilátás a szállásról


7,6 ennyiből: 10

Népszerű szolgáltatások

  • Repülőtéri transzfer
  • Bár
  • Kaszinó
  • Parkolási lehetőség biztosított
  • Medence
  • Edzőterem

Főbb szolgáltatások (12)

  • Magánstrand
  • Kaszinó
  • 12 étterem és 9 bár/társalgó
  • Teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtó wellnessfürdő
  • 3 szabadtéri medence
  • Nightclub
  • Fitneszlétesítmény
  • Szauna
  • Gőzfürdő
  • Szobaszerviz
  • Business center
  • Repülőtéri transzfer

Az otthon érzése (6)

  • Kábeltévé/műholdas tévé
  • Kert
  • Terasz
  • Kávé-/teafőző
  • Lift
  • Minibár


Szobákhoz rendelkezésre álló szűrők
4 szoba megjelenítése 4 közül

Deluxe stúdió lakosztály, Tengerre néző

  • 2 férőhely

Deluxe stúdió lakosztály, Tengerre néző (Cove)

Kiemelt jellemzők

  • Strandra néző
  • 2 férőhely

Deluxe stúdió lakosztály

Kiemelt jellemzők

Erkély vagy belső udvar bútorokkal
  • 2 férőhely

Deluxe stúdió lakosztály, kilátással az óceánra

Kiemelt jellemzők

Erkély bútorokkal
  • Óceánra néző
  • 2 férőhely

Hasonló szálláshelyek

Mod logo
Jelentkezz be a jogosul kedvezményekért és extrákért. Több kalandért több jutalom jár!

A környékről

Norman Manley Blvd A1, Negril, Hanover

A közelben

  • Bloody-öböl - 1 perc gyalog - 0.0 km
  • Hedonism II (tengerpart) - 5 perc gyalog - 0.4 km
  • A Bloody-öböl tengerpartja - 9 perc gyalog - 0.8 km
  • Seven Mile Beach - 14 perc gyalog - 1.2 km
  • Kool Runnings vízipark - 3 perc autóval - 1.8 km


  • Montego Bay (MBJ-Sir Donald Sangster nemzetközi repülőtér) – 92 perc autóval
  • Repülőtéri transzfer felár ellenében


  • ‪Green Island Restaurant, RIU – ‬5 perc autóval
  • ‪Hunter Steakhouse – ‬8 perc gyalog
  • ‪Ackee – ‬3 perc autóval
  • ‪Hedonism II - Delroy's Bar – ‬5 perc gyalog
  • ‪Mahogany – ‬4 perc autóval

Részletek a szálláshelyről

Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only

Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only saját strandja olyan lehetőségekkel vár, mint például búvárkodás, hullámlovaglás és vízisíelés. 3 szabadtéri medence kínál vidám pihenést, a kényeztetésről pedig masszázs is gondoskodik a wellnessrészlegen. Ha megéhezel, 12 étterem közül választhatsz, ha pedig egy italra vágysz, 9 bár/társalgó is vár rád. A luxusszínvonalú hotel más fontos előnyei például a következők: kaszinó, nightclub, fitneszlétesítmény.

All inclusive

Ez a kellemes hotel all-inclusive ellátással várja vendégeit. A szobaár magában foglalja a helyszínen fogyasztott italokat és ételeket (korlátozások érvényben lehetnek).



A szálláshely mérete

    • 26 szoba


    • A bejelentkezés kezdete: 15:00
    • Kijelentkezési idő: 12:00

A bejelentkezéshez szükséges

    • Az esetlegesen felmerülő költségek fedezetéül hitelkártyás, bankkártyás vagy készpénzes kaució szükséges
    • Fényképes személyazonosító okmány szükséges lehet
    • A vendégek alsó korhatára 21


    • Reptéri transzfer*

Egyéb információ

    • Dohányzás a kijelölt helyeken
    • Kizárólag felnőtt vendégeket fogad

A szálláshely szolgáltatásai

Étkezés és italok

  • 12 étterem
  • 9 bár/társalgó
  • Szobaszerviz
  • Snackbár/csemegebolt

Időtöltési lehetőségek

  • Privát strandon
  • Teniszezés
  • Aerobikórák
  • Röplabda
  • Evezési/kenuzási lehetőség
  • Búvárkodás
  • Vízisíelés
  • Szörfvitorlázás
  • Helyi vásárlási lehetőség
  • Strand a közelben


  • Business center


  • Concierge-szolgálat
  • Kirándulás- és belépőjegy-foglalás
  • Vegytisztítási/mosodai szolgáltatás
  • Fodrászszalon
  • Poggyásztárolási lehetőség
  • Több nyelven beszélő személyzet
  • Hordár/londiner


  • Széf a recepción
  • Kert
  • Terasz
  • Televízió a közös helyiségekben
  • Fitneszterem
  • 3 szabadtéri medence
  • Kaszinó
  • Teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtó wellnessfürdő
  • Éjszakai szórakozóhely
  • Szauna
  • Gőzfürdő


  • Lift

Szobák felszereltsége

Csupa szórakozás

  • Televízió
  • Kábeltévé-csatornák

Az otthon kényelme

  • Légkondicionálás
  • Minibár
  • Kávé-/teafőző
  • Vasaló/vasalódeszka

A pihentető alváshoz

  • Ébresztőóra

A pihenés szolgálatában

  • Erkély

A felfrissülés kellékei

  • Zuhanyzó
  • Ingyenes piperecikkek
  • Hajszárító


  • Íróasztal
  • Telefon

Egyéb szolgáltatások

  • Széf a szobában

Speciális szolgáltatások


A(z) hotel teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtó wellnessfürdőjében a vendégek egy kényeztető kezelést vehetnek igénybe. Ebben a wellnessfürdőben masszázs biztosított.

Díjak és szabályzatok

Opcionális extrák

  • Reptéri transzfer felár ellenében vehető igénybe


Ezt a szálláshelyet professzionális szállásadó kezeli. A szálláskiadás kapcsolódik a szakmájához, üzleti tevékenységéhez vagy foglalkozásához.
A szálláshelyen hitelkártyával lehet fizetni.
Elfogadott hitelkártyák: hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák

Más néven:

Grand Lido Negril
Lido Negril Inclusive Negril
Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only Hotel
Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only Negril
Grand Lido Negril Resort Spa Adults Only All Inclusive
Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only Hotel Negril

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

Rendelkezik Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only úszómedencével vagy uszodával?

Igen, 3 szabadtéri medence rendelkezésre áll.

Kínál ez Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only reptéri transzfer szolgáltatást?

Igen, reptéri transzferjárat rendelkezésre áll.

Mikor van Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only bejelentkezési és kijelentkezési ideje?

A bejelentkezésre ekkortól van lehetőség: 15:00. Kijelentkezési idő: 12:00.

Rendelkezik Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only helyszíni kaszinóval?

Igen, a helyszínen kaszinó is rendelkezésre áll.

Mit csinálhatok Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only területén és a közelben?

A helyszínen vízisíelés, hullámlovaglás és evezési/kenuzási lehetőség kínál kellemes kikapcsolódást, és a szállás saját teniszpályáin tökéletesítheted a játékodat. További kikapcsolódási lehetőségek helyben például a következők: aerobikórák, röplabda. Kapcsolódj ki egy wellnesskezeléssel, és ússz egy jót a vendégek kényelmét szolgáló 3 szabadtéri medence egyikében. Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only a következő kikapcsolódási lehetőségeket is kínálja vendégeinek: 9 bár, kaszinó, éjszakai szórakozóhely, valamint saját strand, szauna és gőzfürdő.

Található étterem Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only területén vagy környékén?

Igen, 12 étterem található a helyszínen.

Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only kínál privát kültéri helyeket?

Igen, minden szobához erkély tartozik.

Milyen környéken van Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only?

Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only Jamaicai strandok közelében várja vendégeit. Bloody-öböl egy 1 perces rövid sétával elérhető, és Hedonism II (tengerpart) is csupán 5 perc gyalog.

A(z) Grand Lido Negril All-inclusive - Adults Only értékelései






Személyzet és kiszolgálás


Szálláshely állapota és létesítményei


10/2 Rossz

Not a good experience
Spent 4-22 to 4-26 at this resort ...found out after we got there that the hotel was closing to be torn down 4-26. Restaurants we not open like expected. The hotel did not have the supplies they needed. Called room service and was told they didn't have Caesar salad the first time . Second time they had salad but no dressing at all and ended up putting some warm mustard flavored stuff on salad which wilted the dressing. And that was supposed to be a Caesar salad . They ran out of things to make drinks. The food was overall not great at all. The only good thing I will say is the night we were able to go to the one restaurant Olives that ended up open we had a very nice experience . Our room air conditioner stopped cooling our 3 rd night and they sent up someone who didn't fix it. But the entire time it was running our room was filled with water that was running out of the air conditioning . Our last night there the aid conditioner went nuts and kept us awake all night sounding like it was going to blow up,and throwing out warm air..
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

Disappointing with the Hotel
I was very disappointed with the hotel for not advising me that the hotel was closing for renovation on April 26, 2015. I have booked this trip in February and there was plenty of time for them to advise me of the closing not when I arrived on April 19, 2015 to tell me this news. The food was horrible. There was not much of selection of restaurants as they have posted in their website. They alternated the restaurants every other day. There were only 2 restaurants opened and then the buffet, which was horrible. I've been to other resorts and have seen a huge selection at the buffet and they have approximately 7-8 restuarants. This Hotel, Grand Lido, is very disappointing and misleading to guest and those who are booking the trip. Although they are closing for renovation, they don't care about this review, but tourist, be aware they will open in a year and it will have a new name, Royalton Resort. I wouldn't go and i advise those to do the same. I deserved a partial refund especially for the money that I spent and to find this out. HORRIBLE!!!!!
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

If only had known
Went days without towels, switched rooms due no curtains on Windows. Causing a day spent waiting. A/c broken in next room. We nearly paid for another resort. Long list of issues.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Best beach ever!
The Grand Lido is being completely torn down at the end of April so a review would be unnecessary. We stayed for 8 days..also stayed last year. Staff is wonderful . The beach is the best I have been on and I've been at several in the Caribbean and Spain. They are bulldozing the entire place down in May and are going to rebuild a 5 star hotel over the next 2 years. Even though staff will be unemployed within a few weeks, they still were pleasant and helpful with anything we needed. They don't have unemployment like in the US so hopefully everyone can find a new job within a short time.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Too far away
The hotel is completely outdated and the food is not very good. Plus the hotel was far away from the night life.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

It was great! The food was not the best at dinnertime but lunch and breakfast were great. The variety was wide to choose from. The Entertainment for daytime needs some improvement. The experience there was an enjoyable one, nonetheless.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Good time
Good times. Great beach good coffee would return when reopen.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/10 Kivételes

Grand Lido Negril var en opplevelse
Fantastisk påskeferie i Jamaica. Vi bodde på Grand Lido Negril, hvilken var et fantastisk valg. Vi ønsket et hotell med muligheten for "Clothing optional", og Lido viste seg å være det riktige valget. Hotellet har en vanlig strand forbundet til samme stranden som en del andre hoteller (hvert hotell har sin del av en meget lang strand som går rindt hele bukten). I tillegg har hotellet en egen skjermet strand som er forbeholdt de uten badetøy. Det er fullt lovlig å oppholde seg her med badetøy også, men de fleste vil nok finne det litt markelig da alle andre er nakne... Vi hadde aldri vært på denne type hotell, men endte med å BARE være på Clothing optional området. Maken til rolig, avslappet og behagelig atmosfære skal man lete lenge etter! Maten var også veldig god. Ønsker man litt fest og morro på kvelden, er ikke dette stedet å dra. (men rett over gaten ligger Hedo II, med mere fest og galskap en de fleste er vandt til. Så muligheten er kort vei unna). Synd de nå river ned hotellet. (slutten av april). Nytt hotell er klart om ca 2 år

10/8 Nagyon jó

The staff and hospitality was great, they were very helpful. We had a blast.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Wouldn't stay there again
There wasn't a lot of entertainment, this would be if you want to relax. This is for more of an older crowd. I am in my 30 so I wanted to have fun, drinks weren't strong. Wanted to leave to go to another resort nearby because seem like they were partying and having fun. Paid extra for the "special treatment VIP" it was a waste they promise better room we were far from everything, they said we were supposed to get extra things and it was a fail so I wouldn't recommend for the VIP. You have to pay for shuttle and they over charge. And they try to make you pay for the extra activities that were suppose to be free. Hot tub wasn't working. Food was average and some of the staff were really nice . Room was ok spacious enough for me and the husband.
Hiteles Travelocity-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Out of date hotel
Put us on clothing optional side when I requested not to be so had to vacation with nakedness. Bathroom tub/shower a danger to get in and toilet didn't flush well. Spa & staff awesome! Food ok. Hard to get drinks- very slow & absent waiters by pool. For the money & Travelocity rating we were not impressed & just very disappointed .travel lots & this was worst experience in Jamaica!
Hiteles Travelocity-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

To bad they're demolishing this old resort. It needs some fixing up, but liked the small quiet feeling.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Comfortable, dated, excellent location but rebuild
This hotel was dated and the bathroom tub/shower could only be described as dangerous for anyone of limited mobility because of the step. However we didn't go there to stay in the room and after walking the beach I can say the they have the best beach property on the bay. It was clean and had much less seaweed than the other hotels and the property was spacious. They are closing in May for a complete tear down and rebuild. Word is it won't be back for two years but I'm sure it will be beautiful and modern when they come back.

10/4 Megfelelő

I guess my expectations were too high.
We had a problem nearly everyday. Two weeks was way too long here. Food was limited, had to go to a restaurant type atmosphere five out of seven days for dinner. Got mundane. Breakfast and lunch buffet was the best effort made. Room service was terrible, got our room wrong three out of four times ordered, finally gave up. AC froze up and leaked all over the floor. I understand there going to go through renovations, they need it. Staff was either very good or not very good, never the same. Got frustrating. I would try some other place.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Great find!
We stayed at Grand Lido the last week of January. My husband and I have traveled to several other Caribeaan destinations however this was our first time to Jamaica. For the money you can't beat this place. We stayed beachfront on the clothing side but often hung out on the c/o side. The snorkeling along the rocks is amazing there. The other beach is great to walk. Our room was super dated but we were never in there. We ate at all the restaurants and hit Olives twice. The buffet in the morning is pretty good...we are foodies nothing to write home about. Oh wait....the lamb chops on c/o side may be the best thing we've ever put in out mouths!! The people make this place, great attitude and felt relaxed the entire time. Totally different vibe from the Dominican or Mexico but we liked the laid back feeling! We will definitely be back!
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Old and getting tired.
Shower plumbing is poor in the suite. Sometimes a trickle, several times all water stopped. Wait 30-45 seconds and a trickle starts again. (Stay downstairs and off the second floor.) One day had Hot water and good pressure. Other 5 days water got warm when on the highest settings. Coffee pot was defective and was difficult to get replaced. Told front desk. !st day. ---nothing. Told room maid---nothing. Called maintenance ---nothing.2nd day the right person was on the front desk and got good response. Room had shaver outlet --no power. Regular outlet no power. Shower door handle scary loose. Door hinges loaded to keep door open 5 inches. etc. & etc. Get the idea?
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Beautful beach, but beware of sales pitches
It was disappointing that the room we had booked was not available when we checked in. They gave us an upgrade to a suite for the first night and then spent every moment trying to get us to pay for an upgrade for our whole stay. Be aware that this resort is VERY spread out - a good 1/4 mile hike from the beach to the nearest bathroom, and even farther if you're in the "garden view" rooms. The dining room, bar, and cleaning staff were wonderful. Beware of the "personal concierge" whose whole entire job was to get us to attend a "vacation club" (read timeshare here) presentation or to upgrade our room (at an additional cost). That said - the food was excellent - the Cove beach is a scenic and pleasant as only a private beach can be, and all together it was a very nice stay.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/10 Kivételes

Great time, great beach, great staff
Staff was awesome, Samantha and Dwight were special.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Happy Jamaica, just relax and enjoy everything
Our 2nd choice hotel, selected for the c/o beach and location. We read the reviews so knew about the dangerous bathrooms. Sure the hotel is desperately waiting for "approvals" to rebuild, and it needs it. But I am concerned that the replacement will be a plastic overworked upmarket failure, loosing the charm and easygoing atmosphere that is all part of everything great about Jamaica. There for 14 days and the staff (gardeners, security, cleaning, waiting, reception) were all brilliant, really friendly and attentive. Just one exception was a lady who woke us at 21:30 hammering on our door wanting to do a beach towel audit! Food was OK, not exactly 5* and very much local interpretation. But not as bad as some reviews make it out to be. After 14 days very repetitive. Breakfast definitely the best meal of the day. Only other issue was the other guests, something the hotel can do little about, alcohol and pot-headed partying, shouting and scraping chairs on the balcony. The younger crowd go to Hedo next door but there are still a few odd-balls who seemed out of place moaning about everything from the nakedness to blaming the hotel for their own incompetence. As Diamond club members we will be returning once the rebuild is completed and to see the "family" again. We only hope every effort will be made to improve the c/o beach area to 24hr service provide a good buffet within that area, keeping the whoops bar and a new pool of course. Thanks for a great holiday.

10/10 Kivételes

6th Visit
Undoubtedly the friendliest staff we have encountered in many trips to various resorts. Food in restaurants is wonderful and creatively presented. Teppanyaki is especially fun. Plenty of activities if you want to join in.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/10 Kivételes

Grand Lido is Fantastic
The best service you will ever get. The staff at Grand Lido is so good, they make you feel like family. The food was delicious, entertainment was great, beach was awesome, snorkeling fantastic, drinks superb, everything unbelievable. For the cost of an all inclusive, we could not be any happier. Stretch, Nemo, Walla, Horace, Kandy, Sweetness, 5 star, etc etc etc. Great people from the management down. They will make you feel welcome and will go above and beyond to make sure you want to come back. We are already planning our next stay and hoping they will have room for us. We met so many great people on our vacation it brings a tear to my eye that we are back to reality. Enrico is the GM and a very nice guy. We chatted with him a few times and we were sad to say good bye when we left. Out of all the fun, I cannot pick a single thing that was better than the other, because everything was wonderful. Don't let any negative reviews steer you away from this resort. You have to be a very very picky person to not like Grand Lido. We really hope that the construction goes fast and we can book our next stay for next year ASAP. Love love love this place.. And if you are on the fence about what to do, make the right decision and choose Grand Lido, you will not be disappointed. Thanks so much, The Houstons
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Entertainment staff was amazing! Had a great time!
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Very relaxing. Gorgeous beach!! Great value.
Paid a little over $1000 for wed-sun from NY. The beach was insanely nice. Staff was very friendly. Hotel was good, worth every penny. Go on the catamaran ride to ricks and experience an amazing sunset and snorkeling. so relaxing!!!! Much better beach accomodation vs couples and rui which are next door.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó


10/4 Megfelelő

Room was in disrepair
Most of the staff was very nice. The food at the Mediterranean restaurant was very good. The beach is very nice. The room however had more issues than any room I can remember staying in, and their staff was not that good at fixing things. For example the toilet was running and we had someone come out to fix it. he said it needed a new flapper and someone would be back. they never came back. it still ran most of the time when we left.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés