Well Our hotel room was on the front side of the hotel with balcony about 2 o'clock In the morning.. There was screaming fighting going on the hotel. Personnel did not get involved until we went down to let them know that we cannot sleep because people outside of our hotel room fighting. Also in a room in the bathroom the.
Water faucet was not Contributing a full stream of water.. The right way it was just trickling out.
Then we had breakfast, the breakfast was. AOK, they had a few problems. They had a toaster for all guests which only toasted 2 pieces of toast but it had place for 4, so the toast it was broken the Bake beans were not warm. They were cold. The Fresh fruit bar was not fresh fruit. And the parking was too expensive.
And the communication from guest and hotel personnel was not explained properly.
Sorry, sorry to let you know. That I will not. Stay.
At this hotel again or recommend family friends or otherwise.Sincerely yoursincerely yours mister white