Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton

2.0 csillagos szálláshely
A hotel Dayton területén, ahol beltéri medence és edzőterem áll rendelkezésre

Válassz dátumokat az árak megtekintéséhez

Daytoni Kongresszusi Központ és Dayton Egyetem csak 10 perces autóút Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton vendégeinek. Reggel úszhatsz egy jót a beltéri medence vizében, az edzéshez pedig edzőterem áll rendelkezésedre. A kiváló adottságokkal rendelkező hotel vendégeinek Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Légierejének Nemzeti Múzeuma is csak egy rövid autóút.


6,0 ennyiből: 10

Népszerű szolgáltatások

  • Edzőterem
  • Medence
  • Gyermekágy kérhető
  • Légkondicionálás
  • Gyermekbarát programlehetőségek

Főbb szolgáltatások (9)

  • Takarítás (igényelhető)
  • Beltéri medence
  • Edzőterem
  • Business center
  • Tárgyalótermek
  • Légkondicionálás
  • Játékterem
  • ATM/banki szolgáltatás
  • Konferenciatér

Az otthon érzése (5)

  • Gyermekágy/csecsemőágy rendelkezésre áll
  • Kávé-/teafőző
  • Lift
  • Játékterem
  • Beltéri medence


Standard szoba, 1 king-size ággyal, mozgássérültek számára is hozzáférhető, dohányzó

  • 2 férőhely

Standard szoba, 1 king-size ággyal, nemdohányzó

  • 2 férőhely

Lakosztály, 1 king-size ággyal és egy kihúzható kanapéval, nemdohányzó

  • 4 férőhely

szoba kétszemélyes ággyal, 2 kétszemélyes ággyal, nemdohányzó

  • 4 férőhely

Szoba, 1 king-size ággyal és egy kihúzható kanapéval, nemdohányzó

  • 4 férőhely

szoba kétszemélyes ággyal, 2 kétszemélyes ággyal, dohányzó

  • 4 férőhely

Standard szoba, 1 king-size ággyal, dohányzó

  • 2 férőhely
Mod logo
Jelentkezz be a jogosul kedvezményekért és extrákért. Több kalandért több jutalom jár!

A környékről

Wagner Rord Road , 2301,2301, DAYTON, DAY, 45414

A közelben

  • Daytoni autóverseny-pálya és Hollywood Gaming kaszinó és lóversenypálya - 3 perc autóval - 2.8 km
  • Scene75 Szórakoztatóközpont - 4 perc autóval - 5.8 km
  • Daytoni Kongresszusi Központ - 5 perc autóval - 5.6 km
  • Dayton Egyetem - 7 perc autóval - 7.5 km
  • Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Légierejének Nemzeti Múzeuma - 10 perc autóval - 10.5 km


  • Dayton, OH (DAY-James M. Cox Dayton nemzetközi repülőtér) – 12 perc autóval


  • ‪Hollywood Gaming at Dayton Raceway – ‬4 perc autóval
  • ‪McDonald's – ‬2 perc autóval
  • ‪George's Family Restaurant – ‬3 perc autóval
  • ‪McDonald's – ‬2 perc autóval
  • ‪Marion's Piazza – ‬9 perc gyalog

Részletek a szálláshelyről

Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton

Daytoni Kongresszusi Központ és Dayton Egyetem csak 10 perces autóút Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton vendégeinek. Reggel úszhatsz egy jót a beltéri medence vizében, az edzéshez pedig edzőterem áll rendelkezésedre. A kiváló adottságokkal rendelkező hotel vendégeinek Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Légierejének Nemzeti Múzeuma is csak egy rövid autóút.



A szálláshely mérete

    • 231 szoba
    • 5 emelet


    • A bejelentkezés kezdete: 15:00
    • Kijelentkezési idő: 11:00

Tudnivalók a bejelentkezéssel kapcsolatban

    • További részletekkel a szálláshely tud szolgálni a foglalási visszaigazoláson található elérhetőségen.

A bejelentkezéshez szükséges

    • Az esetlegesen felmerülő költségek fedezetéül hitelkártyás, bankkártyás vagy készpénzes kaució szükséges
    • Fényképes személyazonosító okmány szükséges lehet

A szálláshely szolgáltatásai


  • Business center
  • Tárgyalótermek
  • Konferenciatér


  • ATM/banki szolgáltatás
  • Edzőterem
  • Gyakorló golfpálya a helyszínen
  • Beltéri medence
  • Játékterem
  • Az ételek alapanyaga legalább 80%-ban helyi termesztésű
  • Legalább 80% bioélelmiszer
  • Vegán ételek
  • Vegetáriánus ételek
  • Dupla üvegezésű ablakok
  • A világítótestek legalább 80%-a LED-es
  • Mindenre kiterjedő élelmiszerhulladék-kezelés
  • Átfogóan szabályozott újrahasznosítás
  • Nincsenek műanyag palackos üdítők
  • Nem használnak műanyag italkeverő pálcát
  • Nem használnak műanyag szívószálat
  • Nincsenek egyszer használatos poharak


  • Lift
  • Akadálymentesített útvonal kerekesszékeseknek

Szobák felszereltsége

Az otthon kényelme

  • Légkondicionálás
  • Kávé-/teafőző
  • Vasaló/vasalódeszka

A pihentető alváshoz

  • Ébresztőóra
  • Gyermekágy/csecsemőágy rendelkezésre áll
  • Összecsukható ágy/pótágy rendelkezésre áll

A felfrissülés kellékei

  • Környezetbarát piperecikkek


  • Ingyenes helyi hívások

Egyéb szolgáltatások

  • Takarítás (igényelhető)
  • Környezetbarát piperecikkek
  • Környezetbarát tisztítószerek
  • LED-es világítótestek
  • Hulladék-újrahasznosítás
  • Kizárólag víztakarékos zuhanyzók

Díjak és szabályzatok


Ezt a szálláshelyet professzionális szállásadó kezeli. A szálláskiadás kapcsolódik a szakmájához, üzleti tevékenységéhez vagy foglalkozásához.
Ez a szálláshely napenergiát használ.
A szálláshelyen hitelkártyával lehet fizetni.
Elfogadott hitelkártyák: hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák, hitelkártyák
Kérjük, vedd figyelembe, hogy a kulturális szokások és a vendégekre vonatkozó szabályzatok országonként és szálláshelyenként eltérhetnek. A megjelenített szabályzatokat a szálláshelyek adják meg.
Ez a szálláshely szobánként és tartózkodásonként legfeljebb 5 medencebérletet biztosít. A bérleteket csak a szálloda vendégei használhatják.

Más néven:

Ramada Plaza Dayton Hotel
Ramada Plaza Dayton
Ramada Plaza Dayton Ohio
Ramada Plaza Dayton
Ramada Plaza Dayton Dayton
Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton Hotel
Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton DAYTON
Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton Hotel DAYTON

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

Rendelkezik Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton úszómedencével vagy uszodával?

Igen, beltéri medence várja a vendégeket.

Mikor van Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton bejelentkezési és kijelentkezési ideje?

A bejelentkezésre ekkortól van lehetőség: 15:00. Kijelentkezési idő: 11:00.

Rendelkezik Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton helyszíni kaszinóval?

Nem, ez a kellemes hotel nem rendelkezik kaszinóval, de a közelben ilyen lehetőség is kínálkozik: Daytoni autóverseny-pálya és Hollywood Gaming kaszinó és lóversenypálya (3 perc autóval).

Mit csinálhatok Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton területén és a közelben?

Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton a következő lehetőségeket kínálja: beltéri medence edzőterem és játékterem.

A(z) Ramada Plaza Hotel Dayton értékelései






Személyzet és kiszolgálás


Szálláshely állapota és létesítményei


10/6 Jó

Fine hotel for the price
Hotel was fine for the price but a little rundown. The pool was nice. The rooms were clean, just a little dingy.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Average rooms, great lobby.
The hotel was worth what was paid for it for sure. I was in town for a powerlifting competition, which was held in the same hotel, that's the reason I stayed there. The room itself was decent, the bed was comfortable, the bathroom was large, and the room was clean, overall, nothing to write home about. it was the atrium area in the hotel I was impressed with. A large, open central area that housed a pool and hot tub, small arcade with great retro games, a pool table and a ping pong table. It made staying in the hotel not so bad when there were all those things to do.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Not a 3.5 star hotel
Not a 3.5 star hotel. The exercise equipment was broken. The hotel is need of updating.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Handicap customer given the furthest room
Given the furthest room on the floor. No one to assist with luggage.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Weekend stay for wedding.
Weekend stay for wedding. Typical hotel room. Not dirty or run down, however they didn't clean our room during the 2 day stay. Had to call twice for clean towels. Moderate internet performance. Neighborhood was scary, but nothing bad happened to us. Typical older firm mattresses. Staff was friendly.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Hotel in Trouble
This hotel was once probably an excellent place to stay. Place looks run down and is poorly managed. The desk clerk and the night maintenance person was great. Helpful and accommodating. Stayed for 3 nights and never had the room cleaned we had to go get our own towels. Met the manager the last night who was running around the hotel at 11 o'clock at night with a loud walkie talkie making excuses to the hotel guest why things weren't done. She told us the hotel was bought in March 2015 and they hoped to do renovation...what does that have to do with the cleanliness of the building or getting your room cleaned it you are stayi,g for a few days. Would never stay there again.
Hiteles Orbitz-vendégértékelés

10/10 Kivételes

sweetest day
it was very nice room was very great but the worst were the kids making all kinds of noise threw the night but everything else was great
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Great hotel!
I feel obligated to post a review because there are so many bad reviews. There is NOTHING wrong with this hotel! There WAS a problem with my "guaranteed" hotels.com reservation though. Even though I had a confirmation email, there was no room available for us. Fortunately, we were traveling with a high school marching band, and they had a room available for us. This hotel is clean and comfortable. There are lots of open spaces to hang out. We were with about 150 teenagers (sorry to any other travelers there that night.) There was plenty of room for them to hang out in plain sight. There was a nice swimming pool, and there was breakfast in the morning so that the kids could get going without an extra stop. While there was only one person working at the desk, she was very patient with the kids who kept coming up wanting to get change and checking other people in.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Room 1 not ready for occupancy. Room # 2
We were looking for a hotel in close proximity to a site where my wife was going to conduct training. I found the Ramada and felt tat it would be a reputable hotel to accommodate our stay. Our arrival was delayed and we checked in at approximately 11 PM. We were given directions to an entrance near our room. Laden with our luggage we found our key cards would not open the door. A maintenance staff was sent to assist us. We were helped to our room and found the towel rack had fallen with bath towels into the toilet. The bed had no comforter and no pillowcases. We were given a room on the ground floor that was requested by the maintenance staff as a "comped" upgrade. It only had a sofa more than the first room. The other amenities of a microwave and refrigerator were not present, though not needed as we were just spending the night. It appeared the room was in process of renovation as the sprinkler heads were bagged for painting. The continental breakfast the next morning was fine, but not exceptional. When we went to checkout the next morning we were greeted by the desk clerk with "what's wrong?" Not good morning, but what's wrong?. When the bill printed, we were not comped for the sofa upgrade. A manager was requested to make the adjustment. When the manager found we were on the first floor she told the desk clerk she wanted to know immediately what guests were on the first floor (this indicated to me that there shouldn't have been gusts on the first floor).
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

THE WORST HOTEL ever!!! STAY AWAY!!!! Hotel is adjacent to the I-75. Noise from the interstate highway is just terrible. Everything in the hotel is outdated, circa 1970's...
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

The Ramada was not my choice, I had picked another hotel, Dayton Grand Hotel, but when we arrived the front door had a sign that it was being remodeled and to use their garage door, which was dreadful looking, poorly lighten, and scary to say the least. The site did not mention anything about the remodeling. So we called expedia and very rapidly located another hotel for us, The Ramada Plaza hotel; this one was better because we didn't feel scare by it. The hotel is old, front desk clerk was not helpful, the bedside lamp was broken, and just one towel for two people. This is the second time expedia gives us a bad hotel, the first one actually did not exist.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Convenient for Air Force marathon
Hotel was nice. Pool area nice, hot tub nice. All pretty nice. Breakfast was good, except the eggs. They did the thing where they dump the liquid eggs in a pan, bake it, then serve it as this egg cake where you cut your portion of eggs out and self scramble. Yuck. Other than the eggs it was really good for the deal we got. They have a restaurant/bar but it's not open? That would have been convenient, especially for the occasion. Dayton was super busy and we didn't even want to leave the hotel because it took like 20 min to get anywhere. The pull out couch was yuck. I know you can't expect much from a pull out couch, but come on. If you advertise you have those, make them nice. it was definitely really old. The showers were nice too, usually at hotels there's some kind of mood or build up on the knobs. We had none of that. Overall good experience. Unfortunately we were left with a bad taste because the water coming out of the faucet and shower was brown for whole morning of our check out. Luckily we brought bottled water because we wouldn't have been able to brush our teeth otherwise. They'd didn't even send out s notification of any kind to the rooms that the water was contaminated and not to use it. We called front desk and they didn't offer any kind of bottled water for the inconvenience. They also didn't offer any kind of refund due to the fact that I couldn't shower before I was going to be Traveling the whole day. Disappointed it ended that way.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/6 Jó

Outdated hotel.
Good Breakfast. Lack of lighting in gym,game room and pool area.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

The place was really nice, but there were no towels in our room, there was only one clerk at the desk and people were lined up out the door with reservations. The next morning our key wouldn't work after breakfast and the morning clerk couldn't find record of us to recode our key. Crazy.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

The bed was to firm, breakfast bar was a let down and the hotel has seen some wear. It was a suitable place to sleep, just nothing special.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/10 Kivételes

Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Room was dirty, hotel staff was clueless and rude. The water was brown! Do not stay here!
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

I'm sure this was a nice hotel 30 years ago.
Event weekend, fully-booked hotel--but no manager on duty. Two front desk employees: one was helpful, the other sat on her phone texting despite the growing line at check-in. The room they had reserved for us was unavailable due to a water leak. Eventually, they found us another room. Whoever stayed in the room before us had a Disney's "Frozen" birthday party--know how I know that? Because they didn't clean the room and there was "Frozen" glitter/confetti everywhere. Also, the security lock on the door was broken off completely. The hotel looks like it was a really nice place when it was built (my guess is in the 1980's), but there has been very little maintenance since. Water leak spots on the ceilings in the hallways and in the rooms. The central air makes a lot noise. Everything could use a coat of paint.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Ramada -
Called hotel several times on drive down only to be put on hold then disconnected. Stood in line one hour to check -in, woefully understaffed. No hotel manager available all weekend to address issues. Did not rate staff above as the staff who were there were busting their butts to get things taken care of..... Nadia on Friday night was (a STAR) alone at front desk to answer phones, check in all guests AND handle guest issues - she should be promoted to manager and the "absent" manager should be demoted. Room was adequate and clean, location on main hallway - noise and bright lights. No water on Sunday am made showering and getting ready to travel a challenge.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

Little to no running water in AM
This hotel seemed ok, not great but not horrible. However, once morning hit we had no running water (with the occasional trickle of brown water). Thinking that it was a freak incident we talked to the front desk only to have the lady laugh as she told us "oh it's hotel wide". No one seemed to think it was a big deal at all, which leads me to believe that this is a regular occurrence for this place. In short, if you like to have luxuries such as running water pick a different hotel.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

Don't stay here!
We checked in, saw the room, and checked right back out. The bathroom had mold in the shower, the ceiling was stained, and the mattress was easily 25 years old and had holes in it. The staff was also horrible and threatened to call the police on a woman who was just upset that the hotel had no record of her Expedia reservation. She said she even called the day before and was told everything looked OK. Any other hotel I have ever stayed at would have done everything the could have to help her but they just said they were going to call the police.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés

10/2 Rossz

The fire alarm went off when we were checking in and we had a wait a long time to check in. When we did check in the elevator was all smokey and the plants around it were all dead. Then there were two families staying and the hotel and girl said that there were out of double beds so,three people had to sleep in the king because there was no bedding in the pullout couch. Then we went into the bathroom and there was the tiniest little piece of soap to wash your hands and a little packet for shampoo and conditoner for all three of us. Then the sink in the bathroom was filled with black little flakes. Then in the morning we went down to the breakfast and to our surprise the workers were eating right in front of us. Then we went to get breakfast and the juice and the coffee tasted soapy. then there were six bins and there were only eggs and sausge in two bins. Ramada Plaza should be STUT DOWN.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/8 Nagyon jó

Comfort on the interstate
Really nice room with all of the amenities. Very quiet. Lobby smelled like the pool. No hot tub. Neighborhood sketchy. No place to walk to. Frig and microwave so best to bring your dinner with you.
Hiteles Hotels.com-vendégértékelés

10/4 Megfelelő

Not what we expected
We booked this online and looked at reviews and pictures of the rooms. Seemed to be nice online. When we arrived the desk associate just sat there not really responding. We had to do a separate $100 deposit on top of our payment and we were not told about this prior to our stay. We got a handicap room, weird shower, mini half pillows, an old tube TV, 1 tiny trash can and no fridge. We got up early to get the free breakfast because it only ran until 8am and we find out we have to stay down there and can't take it back to our room. We were exhausted and this was annoying. I would not recommend this hotel unless you want a cheap simple hotel.
Hiteles Expedia-vendégértékelés