10/6 Jó
2023. április 26.
Really tough to find. We must have drove past it a couple of times before we found it. There was no sign out front and it appear to be a sub part of an adjoining restaurant. We were on an upper floor and our room had a sloping ceiling and being 6'4" I banged my head a couple of times. We had no control over the room temperature and it was too warm for us. We had returned from shopping in Granada to find the doors locked and we had no idea how to get in. We eventually went into the restaurant and found a way into the hotel. There was a venting problem with the bathroom fixtures. In the morning we got overwhelmed by sewer gas that come into the bathroom. Because there was no fan or vent in the bathroom it overtook the entire room.
James, 1 éjszakás családi utazás
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