Lincoln is a city dwarfed by its towering medieval cathedral, which has witnessed centuries of royal intrigue and faithful pilgrims. Standing in its soaring, echoing nave, light spilling in through rose stained glass, its magnitude booms around you, and you can peek at the Magna Carta in the neighbouring castle.

Every street in the city centre charms with colourful shopfronts and cheery bunting, but one of the most impressive has to be High Bridge, dominated by a resplendent black and white Tudor mansion. You can visit its cafés for afternoon tea, and watch the river run merrily by.

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Lincoln – Hol és mit érdemes enni?

  • 10 Places Where Locals Love to Eat in Lincoln

    The places locals love to eat in Lincoln tend to be restaurants that serve regional specialities. The folks of Lincolnshire are fiercely (and justly) proud of their contribution to British cuisine, which includes the peppery Lincolnshire sausage and the nutty Lincolnshire Poacher cheese. The choice of local restaurants in Lincoln is a varied one, though heavily leaning towards the budget-friendly end...

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