Kauai is the greenest of the Hawaiian islands, deservingly earning the nickname the ‘Garden Island’. It caters to those seeking pristine nature and stunning tropical landscapes – the island has 4 dramatic mountains, mostly covered by lush forest, together with wonderful stretches of beaches.

Breathtaking nature aside, Kauai offers a splendid sensory mix through its unique cuisine and festive cultural offerings. You’ll likely get a taste for freshly prepared poke, lomi salmon, and kalua pig during your holiday. Paired with an infectious, high spirit of ‘Aloha’, it’s easy to see why this Hawaiian island is a regular bucket-list destination. 

Kauai programjai és látnivalói

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Kauai – Hol és mit érdemes enni?

  • 10 Best Restaurants in Kauai

    The best restaurants in Kauai offer up some of the most amazing food scenes on the Hawaiian island. Kauai, aka “The Garden Isle,” might be more known for its gorgeous, lush landscapes. But you’ll need some great eats to fuel all that rainforest exploring and mountain hiking. As is the case throughout much of Hawaii, Kauai’s food scene places a...

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