This section consists of basic information about London, which helps you get to know England’s capital city while planning your travel itinerary. London is one of the world’s foremost centres of culture as well as being the most visited cities on the planet. Among the most fascinating characteristics of Britain’s capital is its ever-changing nature, coupled with its proud traditions. If this contradiction sounds confusing, don’t worry. 

Whether it’s your first holiday or you’re a regular visitor to London, we’ve outlined the things you really need to know, such as transport, weather, and important phone numbers. We’ve also thrown in a few fun bonuses, like seasonal activities, festivals, and mistakes to avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to fully experience the best of London. 

Hasznos információk ha London az úti cél

Kiemelt cikkek és érdekes tudnivalók

Közreműködők történetei

Hol érdemes megszállni London területén

Kezdj hozzá az utad tervezéséhez!

Szintén népszerű United Kingdom területén

Folytasd a keresgélést

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